Question: I have some Gimp questions!!! Free 10 points!!!?
I have two main questions. The bigger one being how to copy a color on a picture to use for editing later. The other one being how to copy all the white off my picture at once. Some smaller questions. Is there anyway to take the shape of one image and put it on another? How do you use layers/
My Answer: I may not fully understand your questions so if I am not answering your question like you need please contact me at my photography, graphic design and genealogy blog at and I would be more than willing to assist you further.
1st Q: I would copy and paste the image (with the color that you want) onto the main working area of GIMP. Make sure that your image is being recognized as a pasted layer on your layers dialogue box. If it is not and is showing up as a floating layer then choose the layers menu at the top middle of the main window and select new layer. Now select the Color Picker Tool (looks like a turkey baster and is typically on the second line of your toolbox). Now hover over the area of your image and click to select the desired color. Once you have picked the desired color it will be temporarily saved in the foreground color box in your toolbox. Now to save the color permanently, I usually select the layers menu and select new layer. Now simply use the paintbrush tool to paint on the new layer. Now save your project. You can now come back to the layer whenever you want and permanently have the color code saved until you delete it as a layer. Also remember you can hide the layer until you need it later by clicking the eye next to the layer you want to hide or reveal
2nd Q: Ok so if you want to get rid of the white areas on a layer you will need to choose the Select by Color Tool from your toolbox (it looks like a hand pointing to a blue, red, and green strip). Now click on an example of the color that you want to get rid of (in your case white or closely related colors). When you do this it will select that color and closely related colors everywhere on your layer. This selection may be more inclusive or less inclusive than you want. To decrease or increase the range of color you want selected find the threshold bar at the bottom of your toolbox and move it left or right and then try the select by color tool again until you are highlighting the desired color range. Now you have two options: 1- Select Edit->Cut from the drop down menu to delete the selection or 2- simply use the eraser from the toolbox to delete only certain of the highlighted areas.
Q: I would use the paths tools from the toolbox (it is usually just the left of the color picker tool). Now make sure that you are on the layer that has the picture with the shape you want to copy. Now use the paths tool to click along the edge of the shape you want. Make sure to make small deliberate action unless you are making a long straight line. Once you have followed the path along the desired shape and have ended your path at the same point that you started, now you will want to click on the selection from path button on the bottom of the toolbox. Now make sure that you choose the layer that you want the shape to be on. Now you have your desired shape and can use the move radial button on the toolbox to move the shape outline to the spot that you want to use the shape on the desired layer.
Q 4: Basically you just have to play around with this. But just think of it as multiple transparencies like on an oldschool projector. You can move layers up and down in any order. But basically as you are looking down at the stack of transparencies your eyes will see the areas on the transparencies that have color/shapes on them. So if something is behind another layer you will now see it unless it is covering an area that is not already covered.
I am sure that I've manage to complicate the matter much further or haven't quite answered your question. But hopefully this was helpful. And if you need additional questions answered I would be more than happy to assist you further if you contact me at my blog
And of course you can always check out youtube for GIMP tutorials to see if there are any videos that may assist you further.
Question: People who have GIMP!?! help me! 10 POINTS!?
where can i find the eyelashes and all that!?
My Answer: Try browsing deviant art at Below is one example of a link here that you may find the brushes that you are looking for:§ion=&q=gimp+eyelashes#/d11tp3s
If you have found this answer helpful or if you have further questions please consider contacting me at my photography, graphic design, and genealogy blog at
Thanks and best of luck with your project.
Hey guys is not that i need a confidence boost as a G. Designer, but i have like this very important presentation in college and i have to present 4 of my best designs, it can be anything ive done from Illustrations, photography, video, Identity, etc.
i already ask some friends of course, but the more opinions i get the better ;)
heres a link to my blog:
My Answer: I checked out your blog at and also your logo portfolio at
You have a lot of great designs.
My four personal favorite logo designs are:
Lil Rocket
However, I also really like the "Let it Flow" poster. I also like the "Miel Pops" because it is fun yet professional and really highlights that you can make relevant deisgns that will work on packaging.
Thanks for sharing. Hope the imput helps.
When you get a second check out my blog at to see my new photography, graphic design, and genealogy blog. Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Question: Check out my blog, how are my photos?
I've started a 365 day project on my blog! hope you guys check it out and leave some nice comments :P
My Answer: Just checked out your blog at
I really like the project idea.
I particularly like day 6 and day 7.
Day 7 makes the viewer feel like they are waiting for something. It draws you in and makes you part of the scene without actually being in it.
Very cool blog. I hope that I will be able to create something as cool at my new blog at Thanks for sharing.
Question: What are the different spellings for Last name Lindsey?
My last name is Lindsey, Im trying to find our all the Spellings for Lindsey and what Origan it is.
My Answer: I've been working on my wife's side of the family tree on Here first name happens to be Lindsey. After a couple years of research it appears that we may be able to loosely trace one line of her family back to at least the 1600's with the last name Lindsey or Lindsay. They lived in England and before that Scottland, maybe even a couple hundreds years before that. Looking further back her family comes from Normandy, France. After this is gets a little dicey with significant gaps but I have run into the following variations of the last name Lindsey throughout history:
Hope that this helps point you in the right direction.
Question: Family Reunion T-Shirt Ideas?
I have to design the t-shirt for our family reunion this year. We have to have our last name, the date, the city, and we want to incorporate the number 20 somewhere, as it's the 20th annual reunion.
We have some ideas already, like putting a map of the country and putting dots where everyone lives (but that's kind of hard because one cousin is in Spain and so many others are in college and move back and forth a lot).
My dad was saying something about the Big 10 logo and how they incorporate the number 11 in it somehow. (Sorry if I got that messed up, but I don't really follow sports.)
We were also considering putting everyone's name on the back, but since there are about fifty of us, that might be a little too expensive.
Does anyone have any ideas for a design? Also, if you know of a good website where you can design the t-shirt, let me know!
My Answer: Sounds like you really have some great ideas, but just need to pull them all together. As a point of clarification you would need to know if you are wanting to actually do all the artwork yourself or have someone else do it for you. If you are doing it yourself and don't want to buy expensive software I suggest checking out GNU Image Manipulation Program or GIMP found at That being said you do usually get what you pay for and sometimes the colors may show up a little differently than you want unless you have access to software that lets you work and export in CMYK color formats. If you are wanting to avoid costs and don't have any need for an exact shade of color on your shirt, GIMP may be a good option and it's free.
I think at this point your options will depend on: how much you can spend, how many shirts you need, whether you want color on the shirts and what the date of your event will be.
You might consider checking out websites to get some additional help with the design or to get help printing the shirts.
Personally, I am an amateur graphic designer and use 99Designs as a way for me to connect to people who need help with a graphic design project but don't want to spend a lot of money doing it.
At any rate good luck!
P.S. if you want additional help considering your options, just drop me a line at
Question: What should I charge for a 20x30 photo print?
Usually I don't provide customers with prints except for 8x10 and smaller. I was asked what I charge for a 20x30. Just the print, regular photo finish (from Costco), she will have it framed. Haven't given her an answer. Just wondering what a reasonable price would be. I'd like one million but, well you know.
My Answer: You'll probably pay $10-$15 cost for a Costco 20x30 print. From here your cost will probably depend on on whether this print will cost you an extra trip to pickup or deliver or if you already charged a service or sitting fee. Finally it also depends on whether you think your customer will be a repeat customer and/or refer other customers your way (perhaps a good reason to keep it reasonably low).
All that being said, the customer will probably look at the overall cost of the frame plus the print when deciding how much they feel is a fair price.
Personally, as an amateur photographer, I would pay no more than $30-$60 for a professional 20x30 print with a simple but professional looking frame if someone else did the work or if the print was a decent example from a desireable photographic gallery. However, in general I only buy photographs at cost because I am usually the one taking the picture so my perspective may be a little biased.
I hope to start selling my own prints online sooner than later at my new blog: I guess I will have to come up with some price points as well.
Anyways good luck!
Question: Ideas for a class blog?
I'm taking a blogging class and we can't just write random blogs about anything, we have to develop a theme to center the entire blog on. Some examples are sports, fashion, etc. But I'm drawing a blank because I don't really have any interesting hobbies/interests that I could write a whole series of blog entries about. I kind of want to do a blog with a deeper meaning anyways. Like not something as simple, and instead something meaningful. For example, I really like those blogs where you answer a question/ write about a certain topic for each day of the month. I was going to ask my teacher if I could do something along those lines, but before I settled for that I thought I'd come here and ask for any suggestions you might have. I'd appreciate any serious answers and like I said, I want something more meaningful than just talking about sports, or beauty. Thanks in advance!
My Answer: My wife is having the same dilemma in choosing a blog theme. She also doesn't have a lot of recognized hobbies or interest that come to mind. She has tossed around the idea of making a blog about trying new hobbies or activities and blogging it. Basically she would try new hobbies such as knitting, hiking, photography, etc. and then blog about the experience. Personally, I think it is a great idea (I am a little biased though). Maybe you could do something similar and I bet that you would find some things out about yourself that you didn't know.
I know that when I started my blog I was so worried that I would do something wrong or choose the wrong topic. But blogs evolve and that's ok. Just take the plunge! And if you want an example of a simple amateur blog with fairly non-specific topics just check out my blog at
Good luck and good blogging!
Question: Is there any websites I can submit my photography to?
I just want to see how my photographys doing. Just kind of like a website with a contest of some sort.
Or just in general people can rate your work. But its purely photography.
Thank you!
My Answer: You might consider trying a site like I just took one of my favorite still life photos taken at Borst Park in Centralia, Washington and entered it into a contest for some fun and feedback. Otherwise the best way to get meaningful feedback (in the form of money) is to sign up for a stock photography website such as to see if you can compete in the marketplace competitively. Or you might consider just creating a free photoblog and setting up a way for people to buy your artwork online. I recently started a simple blog at and will be building my traffic so I will get some real feedback and comments. If you don't like blogger check out instead. If you do decide to set up a blog, make sure to drop me a line at my blog so I can come check yours out.
At any rate good luck with whatever you decide.
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